
Part-time Web Developer

A part-time web developer is needed to help us maintain website. Your focus will be on building or updating the website already created.

Main technical skills needed:
  1. ASP, ASP.Net, PHP
  2. VB, VB.Net
  3. SQL Server, MySQL, Access
  4. Javascript
  5. HTML, XML
  6. CSS
  7. C# (advantageous)
  8. IIS, Apache
Location: Guangzhou, China.
Compensation: €2 per hour based on experience; Eight hours per week.
Send links to your work where you built the website. Also send your brief CV and nationality information. Contact the IAEES by: iaees@scientist.com.
International Academy of Ecology and Environmental Sciences. E-mail: office@iaees.org
Copyright © 2009-2024 International Academy of Ecology and Environmental Sciences. All rights reserved.
Web administrator: office@iaees.org, website@iaees.org; Last modified: 2024/7/27

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