Fertilizer and Pesticide Pollution

2024/7/27 21:30:50
World total fertilizer consumption: World N fertilizer consumption: World P fertilizer consumption: World K fertilizer consumption:
862 tons/min, .158 kg/person/day, 2024-: 259,298,938 tons574 tons/min, .105 kg/person/day, 2024-: 172,665,418 tons179 tons/min, .033 kg/person/day, 2024-: 53,845,139 tons109 tons/min, .02 kg/person/day, 2024-: 32,788,381 tons
Africa total fertilizer consumption: Africa N fertilizer consumption: Africa P fertilizer consumption: Africa K fertilizer consumption:
25 tons/min, .028 kg/person/day, 2024-: 165,746,769 tons16 tons/min, .018 kg/person/day, 2024-: 4,812,973 tons6 tons/min, .007 kg/person/day, 2024-: 1,804,865 tons3 tons/min, .003 kg/person/day, 2024-: 902,433 tons
Asia total fertilizer consumption: Asia N fertilizer consumption: Asia P fertilizer consumption: Asia K fertilizer consumption:
551 tons/min, .159 kg/person/day, 2024-: 165,746,769 tons365 tons/min, .105 kg/person/day, 2024-: 109,795,954 tons132 tons/min, .038 kg/person/day, 2024-: 39,707,030 tons55 tons/min, .016 kg/person/day, 2024-: 16,544,596 tons
S America total fertilizer consumption: S America N fertilizer consumption: S America P fertilizer consumption: S America K fertilizer consumption:
56 tons/min, .184 kg/person/day, 2024-: 16,845,407 tons19 tons/min, .063 kg/person/day, 2024-: 5,715,406 tons18 tons/min, .059 kg/person/day, 2024-: 5,414,595 tons19 tons/min, .063 kg/person/day, 2024-: 5,715,406 tons
N & C America total fertilizer consumption: N & C America N fertilizer consumption: N & C America P fertilizer consumption: N & C America K fertilizer consumption:
140 tons/min, .302 kg/person/day, 2024-: 42,113,517 tons96 tons/min, .207 kg/person/day, 2024-: 28,877,840 tons17 tons/min, .037 kg/person/day, 2024-: 5,113,784 tons26 tons/min, .056 kg/person/day, 2024-: 7,821,082 tons
Europe total fertilizer consumption: Europe N fertilizer consumption: Europe P fertilizer consumption: Europe K fertilizer consumption:
47 tons/min, .1 kg/person/day, 2024-: 14,138,109 tons51 tons/min, .109 kg/person/day, 2024-: 15,341,353 tons-5 tons/min, -.011 kg/person/day, 2024-: -1,504,054 tons2 tons/min, .004 kg/person/day, 2024-: 601,622 tons
Source: Zhang WJ, Zhang XY. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 2007, 133: 427-434
Male sperm number (1940: 100%): 15.57232%; Male semen volume (1940: 100%): 57.78616%

Fertilizer use deteriorates soil degradation and facilitates water eutrophication. Pesticide use impairs human health and biodiversity.