
Journals for Ecology and Environmental Sciences

A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z


Academic Journal of Entomology

Academic Journal of Plant Sciences

Acta Botanica Hungarica

Acta Chiropterologica

Acta Ecologica Sinica

Acta Oecologica

Acta Ornithologica

Acta Parasitologica

Acta Theriologica

Acta Zoologica


Advances in Ecological Research


African Journal of Ecology

African Journal of Environmental Science and Technology

African Journal of Herpetology

African Journal of Plant Science

Agricultural and Forest Entomology

Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment

Alpine Botany

American Journal of Botany

American Journal of Epidemiology

American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene

American Midland Naturalist

American Naturalist


Animal Behaviour

Animal Biodiversity and Conservation

Animal Conservation

Animal Genetics

Annales Botanici Fennici

Annales Zoologici Fennici

Annals of Botany

Annals of Forest Science

Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution, and Systematics

Annual Review of Entomology

Annual Review of Environment and Resources

Annual Review of Marine Science

Annual Review of Plant Biology

Antarctic Science


Applied and Environmental Soil Science

Applied Animal Behaviour Science

Applied Ecology and Environmental Research

Applied Soil Ecology

Applied Vegetation Science

Aquaculture International

Aquatic Botany

Aquatic Ecology

Aquatic Ecosystem Health and Management

Aquatic Insects

Aquatic Living Resources

Aquatic Microbial Ecology

Aquatic Sciences

Archives of Microbiology

Arctic, Antarctic, and Alpine Research



Arid Land Research and Management


Arthropod-Plant Interactions

Asia Pasific Journal of Climate Change

Asian Journal of Plant Sciences

Atmospheric Environment


Austral Ecology

Australian Journal of Botany

Australian Journal of Soil Research

Australian Journal of Zoology

Australian Mammalogy

Australian Systematic Botany

Avian Conservation and Ecology

Avian Ecology and Behaviour


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Bangladesh Journal of Botany

Basic and Applied Ecology

Bee World

Behavioral Ecology

Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology

Biharean Biologist

Biochemical Systematics and Ecology


Biodiversity and Conservation

Biodiversity Informatics

Biodiversity Science

BioEnergy Research




Biologia Plantarum

Biological Bulletin

Biological Conservation

Biological Control

Biological Diversity and Conservation

Biological Invasions

Biological Journal of the Linnean Society

Biological Letters

Biological Reviews

Biology Bulletin




Bird Conservation International

Bird Study

BMC Ecology

Botanica Marina

Botanical Journal of Scotland

Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society

Botanical Review


Botany Research Journal



Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History

Bulletin of Entomological Research

Bulletin of World Health Organization


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C.R. Biologies


Canadian Entomologist

Canadian Field-Naturalist

Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences

Canadian Journal of Forest Research

Canadian Journal of Plant Pathology

Canadian Journal of Plant Science

Canadian Journal of Zoology

Caribbean Journal of Science

Cat news

Chelonian Conservation and Biology

Chemistry and Ecology



Chinese Journal of Applied Ecology


Climatic Change

Community Ecology

Computational Ecology and Software




Conservation and Society

Conservation Biology

Conservation Letters

Conservation Science

Contemporary Problems of Ecology

Continental Journal of Animal and Veterinary Research

Continental Journal of Biological Sciences

Continental Journal of Environmental Sciences

Continental Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Science

Continental Journal of Sustainable Development

Continental Journal of Tropical Medicine

Continental Journal of Water, Air, and Soil Pollution

Continental Shelf Research


Coral Reefs

Cuadernos de Desarrollo Rural

Current Advances in Plant Science

Current Biology

Current Herpetology

Curtis’s Botanical Magazine


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Dataset Papers in Ecology


Diversity and Distributions

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Ecologia Aplicada

Ecologia Austral

Ecologia en Bolivia

Ecologia Mediterranea

Ecological Abstracts

Ecological and Environmental Anthropology

Ecological Applications

Ecological Complexity

Ecological Economics

Ecological Engineering

Ecological Entomology

Ecological Indicators

Ecological Management and Restoration

Ecological Modelling

Ecological Monographs

Ecological Research

Ecological Restoration

Ecological Questions


Ecology and Society

Ecology Letters

Ecology of Freshwater Fish

Economic Botany



Ecosystem Health



Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety

Edinburgh Journal of Botany


Endangered Species Research

Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata

Entomologica Fennica

Entomological News

Entomological Research

Environment and Development Economics

Environment, Development and Sustainability

Environment International

Environmental and Ecological Statistics

Environmental and Experimental Botany

Environmental Bioindicators

Environmental Biology of Fishes

Environmental Biosafety Research

Environmental Chemistry

Environmental Conservation

Environmental Entomology

Environmental Geology

Environmental Hazards

Environmental Letters

Environmental Management

Environmental Microbiology

Environmental Modelling and Assesment

Environmental Monitoring and Assesment

Environmental Practice

Environmental Research

Environmental Research Journal

Environmental Science and Policy

Environmental Science and Technology

Environmental Skeptics and Critics

Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry



Epidemiology and Infection

Estonian Journal of Ecology

Estuaries and Coasts

Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science



Eurasian Journal of Forest Science

European Journal of Entomology

European Journal of Forest Research

European Journal of Plant Pathology

European Journal of Soil Biology

European Journal of Soil Science

European Journal of Water Quality

European Journal of Wildlife Research


Evolutionary Applications

Evolutionary Biology

Evolutionary Ecology

Evolutionary Ecology Research

Experimental and Applied Acarology



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FEMS Microbiology Ecology


Fire Ecology

Fish Physiology and Biochemistry


Fisheries Management and Ecology

Fisheries Research


Folia Geobotanica

Folia Zoologica


Forest Ecology and Management

Forest Pathology

Forest Science

Forest Science and Technology


Forestry Studies in China

Fresenius Environmental Bulletin

Freshwater Biology

Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment

Frontiers of Forestry in China

Functional Ecology

Functional Plant Biology

Fungal Ecology


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Global Change Biology

Global Ecology and Biogeography

Global Environmental Change

Global Journal of Environmental Research


Grass and Forage Science

Grassland Science


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Hacettepe Journal of Biology and Chemistry


Helgoland Marine Research



Herpetological Conservation and Biology

Herpetological Monographs

Human Ecology



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ICES Journal of Marine Science


Ichthyological Research

iForest - biogeosciences and forestry

Indian Journal of Ecology

Inland Water Biology

Insect Conservation and Diversity

Insect Molecular Biology

Insect Science

Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management

Integrative Zoology

International Environmental Agreements: Politics, Law and Economics

International Journal of Acarology

International Journal of Biodiversity and Conservation

International Journal of Biodiversity Science, Ecosystem Services and Management

International Journal of Biological Sciences

International Journal of Botany

International Journal of Ecology

International Journal of Ecology and Development

International Journal of Ecology and Environmental Sciences

International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology

International Journal of Fisheries and Aquaculture

International Journal of Forestry Research

International Journal of Geographical Information Science

International Journal of Limnology

International Journal of Pest Management

International Journal of Plant Sciences

International Journal of Remote Sensing

International Journal of River Basin Management

International Journal of Soil Science

International Journal of Sustainable Development & World Ecology

International Journal of Tropical Insect Science

International Journal of Vegetable Science

International Journal of Wildland Fire

International Journal of Zoology

International Microbiology

International Review of Hydrobiology

Invasive Plant Science and Management

Invertebrate Reproduction and Development

Invertebrate Systematics

Invertebrate Zoology

Israel Journal of Plant Sciences

Israel Journal of Ecology and Evolution

ISRN Botany

ISRN Ecology

Italian Journal of Mammalogy - Hystrix

Italian Journal of Zoology


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Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances

Journal of Animal Ecology

Journal of Applied Animal Research

Journal of Applied Biological Sciences

Journal of Applied Ecology

Journal of Applied Entomology

Journal of Applied Phycology

Journal of Applied Sciences

Journal of Arachnology

Journal of Arid Environments

Journal of Asia-Pasific Entomology

Journal of Avian Biology

Journal of Biodiversity and Ecological Sciences

Journal of Biogeography

Journal of Biogeosciences and Forestry

Journal of Biological Sciences

Journal of Botany

Journal of Chemical Ecology

Journal of Coastal Conservation

Journal of Coastal Research

Journal of Crustacean Biology

Journal of East African Natural History

Journal of Ecology

Journal of Ecology and the Natural Environment

Journal of Economic Entomology

Journal of Environment and Development

Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies

Journal of Environmental Biology

Journal of Environmental Engineering & Landscape Management

Journal of Environmental Monitoring

Journal of Environmental Sciences

Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health

Journal of Ethology

Journal of Evolutionary Biology

Journal of Experimental Botany

Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology

Journal of Field Ornithology

Journal of Fish Biology

Journal of Fisheries International

Journal of Forest Economics

Journal of Forest Research

Journal of Forestry

Journal of Forestry Research

Journal of Herpetology

Journal of Horticulture and Forestry

Journal of Human Ecology

Journal of Industrial Ecology

Journal of Insect Behavior

Journal of Insect Conservation

Journal of Insect Science

Journal of Mammalogy

Journal of the American Mosquito Control Association

Journal of the American Water Resources Association

Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the UK

Journal of Marine Biology

Journal of Marine Systems

Journal of Medical Entomology

Journal of Mediterranean Ecology

Journal of Molluscan Studies

Journal of Natural and Environmental Sciences

Journal of Natural History

Journal of Nature Conservation

Journal of Oceanography

Journal of Ornithology

Journal of Ortopthera Research

Journal of Paleolimnology

Journal of Pest Science

Journal of Phycology

Journal of Phytopathology

Journal of Plankton Research

Journal of Plant Biology

Journal of Plant Ecology

Journal of Plant Interactions

Journal of Plant Research

Journal of Plant Sciences

Journal of Sea Research

Journal of Shellfish Research

Journal of the Limnological Society of Southern Africa

Journal of Theoretical Biology

Journal of Tropical Ecology

Journal of Vector Ecology

Journal of Vegetable Science

Journal of Vegetation Science

Journal of Water and Soil Conservation

Journal of Wildlife Management

Journal of Zoological Systematics and Evolutionary Research

Journal of Zoology


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Kew Bulletin

Knowledge and Management of Aquatic Ecosystems

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Lake and Reservoir Management

Lake and Reservoirs: Research and Management

Land and Water

Landscape and Ecological Engineering

Landscape and Urban Planning

Landscape Ecology

Landscape Journal

Landscape Research






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Mammalian Biology

Mammal Review

Mammalian Species

Mammal Study

Marine and Coastal Fisheries

Marine and Freshwater Behaviour and Physiology

Marine and Freshwater Research

Marine Biology

Marine Biology Research

Marine Biotechnology

Marine Ecology

Marine Environmental Research

Marine Pollution Bulletin

Medical and Veterinary Entomology


Methods in Ecology and Evolution

Metodos en Ecologia & Systematica

Microbial Ecology

Molecular Ecology

Molecular Ecology Resources

Molluscan Research

Mycological Progress






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Native Plants Journal

Natura Croatica

Natural Areas Journal

Natural History Journal of Chulalongkorn University

Natural Resources Forum

Natural Resources Research

Natural Resources Modeling


Nature Climate Change

NeBIO - an international journal of environment and biodiversity

Network Biology

New Forests

New Phytologist

New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research

New Zealand Journal of Botany

New Zealand Journal of Ecology

New Zealand Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research

New Zealand Journal of Zoology

Nordic Journal of Botany

North American Fungi

Northeastern Naturalist

Northwestern Naturalist

Northwest Science

Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems


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Open Ecology Journal

Organisms Diversity and Evolution



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Pakistan Entomologist

Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences

Pakistan Journal of Botany

Paleogeography, Paleoclimatology, Paleoecology



Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution and Systematics

Phycological Research


Physiologia Plantarum

Physiological Entomology


Plant and Soil

Plant Biology

Plant Biosystems

Plant, Cell and Environment

Plant Ecology

Plant Ecology and Diversity

Plant Ecology and Evolution

Plant Science

Plant Sciences Research

Plant Systematics and Evolution



PLoS Biology

Polar Biology

Polish Journal of Ecology

Polish Journal of Environmental Studies

Population Ecology

Povolzhskiy Journal of Ecology

Preslia - The Journal of Czech Botanical Society


Proc. of the Int. Aca. of Ecology and Environmental Sciences

Proc. of the National Academy of Sciences of USA (PNAS)


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Radiation and Environmental Biophysics


Rangeland Ecology and Management

Rangeland Journal

Regional Environmental Changes

Remote Sensing of Environment

Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems

Research Journal of Animal Sciences

Research Journal of Biological Sciences

Research Journal of Botany

Restoration Ecology

Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries

Revista Arvore

Revista Boliviana de Ecologia y Conservacion Ambiental

Revista de Ecologia Latinoamericana


Russian Journal of Ecology

Russian Journal of Herpetology

Russian Journal of Marine Biology


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Saline Systems


Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research


Science of the Total Environment

Scientific American

SDUOrman Faktesi Dergisi

Seed Science and Technology

Seed Science Research

Seed Technology

Small-scale Forestry

Soil Use and Management

South African Forestry Journal

South African Journal of Aquatic Sciences

South African Journal of Botany

South African Journal of Marine Science

South African Journal of Wildlife Research

South American Journal of Herpetology

South Pacific Journal of Natural Science

Southeastern Naturalist

Southern Forests

Southern Hemisphere Forestry Journal

Southwestern Naturalist

Spanish Journal of Agricultural Research

Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment

Studies on Neotropical Fauna and Environment

Sustainability Science

Systematic Botany

Systematic Entomology

Systematic Parasitology

Systematics and Biodiversity


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Tellus A

Tellus B

Theoretical Population Biology

Theory in BioSciences

Toxicological and Environmental Chemistry

Toxicological Sciences

Trees: Structure and Function

Trends in Animal and Veterinary Sciences

Trends in Ecology and Evolution

Trends in Plant Science

Tropical Ecology

Tropical Plant Biology

Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry

Turkish Journal of Biology

Turkish Journal of Botany

Turkish Journal of Entomology

Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences

Turkish Journal of Zoology


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Urban Ecosystems


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Vadosa Zone Journal

Vegetation History and Archaeobotany

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Water, Air and Soil Pollution

Water and Environment Journal

Water Research

Water Resources Management

Water Science and Technology


Web Ecology

Weed Biology and Management

Weed Research

Weed Science Journal

Western North American Naturalist


Wetlands Ecology and Management

Wildlife Biology

Wildlife Biology in Practice

Wildlife Research

Wildlife Monographs

Wildlife Society Bulletin

Wilson Journal of Ornithology

World Journal of Fish and Marine Sciences


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Zoologica Scripta

Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society

Zoological Research

Zoological Science


Zoology in the Middle East

International Academy of Ecology and Environmental Sciences. E-mail: office@iaees.org
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