
Arthropods, 2019, 8(3): 97-101
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Devices to generate clean and renewable energy from honey bee hives

Hossam F. Abou-Shaara
Department of Plant Protection, Faculty of Agriculture, Damanhour University, Damanhour, 22516, Egypt

Received 21 April 2019;Accepted 28 May 2019;Published 1 September 2019

There is a need for finding new, clean and cheap energy sources. Honey bees, on the other side, provide the agricultural sector with essential pollination service to crops. One hive contains thousands of bees, and hundreds of hives can be kept in one place (i.e. apiary). This study, for the first time, describes designs for the possibility of producing electricity from honey bee hives utilizing the kinetic energy of bees. The generated energy is expected to be clean and cheap, and without any negative impacts on the bees. The produced energy can be increased using large number of hives and can be stored. This study provides a new trend to produce energy from insects.

Keywords colonies;moving;power;physics.

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