
Arthropods, 2019, 8(4): 118-126
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First record of the crab, Droippe quadridens (Fabricius, 1793) (Brachyura: Dorippidae), from the Iraqi coastal waters of the NW Arabian Gulf, with notes on the occurrence of seven species of crabs in the region

KhaledKh Al-Khafaji1, Tariq H.Y. Al-Maliky1, Anwar M.J. Al-Maliky2
1Marine Biology Department, Marine Science Centre, Basrah University, Iraq
2Biology Department, College of Education, Basrah University, Iraq

Received 20 August 2019;Accepted 25 September 2019;Published 1 December 2019

The present study is important in concerning the ecological and classification of the native and invasive species to the Iraqi coast in the north-west of the Arabian Gulf. It has been noted that there is a recent trend to record many decapod crustaceans species in general and marine crabs in particular. The aim of the presence article is to find out diversity and distribution of the dorippid crabs (family: Dorippidae) in addition to other brachyuran crabs species in the subtidal zone along the Iraqi coast. The present study was conducted in summer and winter months from April 2016 to March 2017. Three sites for collection of samples along the Iraqi coast were selected, site 1 in Khor Abudallah canal, site 2 in the coastal region around south Al-Fao town, and site 3 in Rass Al-Besha area. Sampling was carried out using a shrimp's trawler nets. One of the important results of this study is that specimens of the crab Droippe quadridens (Fabricius, 1793) were recorded for the first time along the Iraqi coasts. During this survey, seven species of other Brachyuran crabs were identified; belonging to the seven families. The study recommended continuous monitoring of the brachyuran crabs and other invertebrates species that inhabiting the Iraqi coast in order to provide basic information on the species diversity and distribution of marine crabs inhabiting this harsh environment.

Keywords Khor Abudallah;Rass Al-Besha;crab;Droippe quadridens;diversity;distribution.

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