
Network Biology, 2011, 1(2):112-120
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Immunoregulatory network and cancer-associated genes: molecular links and relevance to aging

Robi Tacutu1, Arie Budovsky1,2, Hagai Yanai1, Marina Wolfson1, Vadim Fraifeld1
1The Shraga Segal Department of Microbiology and Immunology, Center for Multidisciplinary Research on Aging, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, POB 653, Beer Sheva 84105, Israel
2The Judea Regional R&D Center, Moshav Carmel, Israel

Received 9 May 2011; Accepted 8 June 2011; Published online 1 September 2011

Although different aspects of cancer immunity are a subject of intensive investigation, an integrative view on the possible molecular links between immunoregulators and cancer-associated genes has not yet been fully considered. In an attempt to get more insights on the problem, we analyzed these links from a network perspective. We showed that the immunoregulators could be organized into a miRNA-regulated PPI network¨Dthe immunoregulatory network. This network has numerous links with cancer, including (i) cancerassociated immunoregulators, (ii) direct and indirect protein-protein interactions (through the common protein partners), and (iii) common miRNAs. These links may largely determine the interactions between the host's immunity and cancer, supporting the possibility for co-expression and post-transcriptional co-regulation of immunoregulatory and cancer genes. In addition, the connection between immunoregulation and cancer may lie within the realm of cancer-predisposing conditions, such as chronic inflammation and fibroproliferative repair. A gradual, age-related deterioration of the integrity and functionality of the immunoregulaory network could contribute to impaired immunity and generation of cancer-predisposing conditions.

Keywords immunoregulators; cancer genes; protein-protein interactions (PPI); PPI network; micro RNAs (miRNAs); aging.

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