
Network Biology, 2013, 3(1): 1-14
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Selforganizology: A science that deals with self-organization

WenJun Zhang
Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou 510275, China; International Academy of Ecology and Environmental Sciences, Hong Kong

Received 10 August 2012;Accepted 1 January 2013;Published online 1 March 2013

Self-organization is a universe mechanism in nature. In a self-organizing system, the system evolves spontaneously to form an order structure based on some compatible rules. Without external instructions and forces, the self-organizing system arises only from the interactions between the basic components of the system. Although numerous theories and methods were established to describe self-organization, there are still many problems in this area. We still lack of unified theories and thoughts on self-organization. Also, we lack of universal basis of methodology in the modeling and simulation of self-organization. Self-organization is classified into a research area in complexity science. So far it is not an independent science. For this reason, a fundamental science, selforganizology, is proposed for finding and creating theories and methods from self-organization phenomena in nature, simulating and reconstructing self-organization phenomena, exploring mechanisms behind numerous self-organization phenomena, and promoting the applications of self-organization theories methods in science and industry. Existing theories and methods of self-organization are overviewed. Methodological basis of selforganizology is shortly discussed.

Keywords selforganizology;self-organization;theories;methods.

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