
Network Biology, 2019, 9(1): 1-9
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Behavioural networks: a new methodology to study birds¡¯ habits

Alessandro Ferrarini1, Giuseppe Giglio1, Stefania C. Pellegrino1, Annagrazia Frassanito2, Marco Gustin1
1BirdLife International - Lipu (Lega Italiana Protezione Uccelli), Conservation Department, Via Udine 3/a, I-43122, Parma, Italy
2Alta Murgia National Park, via Firenze 10, 70024, Gravina in Puglia, Bari, Italy

Received 29 October 2018;Accepted 6 December 2018;Published 1 March 2019

We introduce here a new methodology, named Behavioural Networks (BeNe), to thoroughly analyze birds¡¯ habits in space and time. Behavioural Networks are based on GIS technologies, association rules and network capabilities, all applied to GPS data. They return an information-rich and easily-interpretable synthesis of the activities taken by birds during a user-defined time interval. As a case study, we applied BeNe to the Lesser Kestrel Falco naumanni of the Santeramo in Colle colony (Apulia, Italy). Our methodology has been able to extract the main rules of the bird¡¯s behaviour during the most critical part of the chick-rearing period. BeNe can be applied to any bird species, to any time interval and to both local and migratory GPS data.

Keywords animal behaviour;association rules;behavioural states;behavioural transitions;bio-logging;Falco naumanni;Santeramo in Colle;networks.

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