
Network Biology, 2023, 13(3): 84-97
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Graphical representation of genetic code algebra

Birinchi Kumar Boruah, Tazid Ali
Department of Mathematics, Dibrugarh University, Assam 786004, India

Received 26 January 2023;Accepted 26 February 2023;Published online 6 March 2023;Published 1 September 2023

During the translation process, the genetic code is the nucleotide sequence that determines the amino acid sequence of protein molecules. A codon is a universal triplet of nucleotides that codes for an amino acid. A group G's identity graph is a graph in which the vertex set is the set of all group elements and two vertices in G are adjacent if a.b = e, where e is the group's identity element. In this study, we looked at the identity graph in the genetic code algebra. In our current study, we have thoroughly discussed various measures of centrality. In addition to this analysis, the correlation coefficients between various centrality measures, clustering coefficient, degree of distribution, and skewness are all examined.

Keywords amino acid;centrality measure;correlation coefficient;clustering coefficient;degree of distribution;genetic code;identity graph.

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