

To facilitate the advancement and prosperity of ecology and environmental sciences and environmental protection, the IAEES provides the advertisement space for ecological and environmental jobs, products, technologies, conferences, eeducation and training, etc. The advertising income will be completely used to launch environmental programs, subsidize IAEES pulications and support IAEES activities.
The advertiser is assumed to accept the following terms and conditions:
  1. The advertisement is related to ecology, environmental sciences and environmental protection.
  2. The advertisement is true and does not contain any illegal and deceitful contents.
  3. The advertiser is responsible for all outcomes from the advertisement. IAEES bears no responsibilty or liability for misuse of advertisement.
For page head advertising on home page, in replace of IAEES logo, in the form of GIF or JPG or PNG picture(<300K) , the following fees for different display durations are charged:

Categories1 Month 6 Months

For page head advertising on other pages, in the form of GIF or JPG or PNG picture(<300K) , the following fees for different display durations are charged:

Categories1 Month 6 Months
Activities, Education,etc.US$200US$350

For page head advertising on all pages (including home page), in the form of GIF or JPG or PNG picture(<300K) , the following fees for different display durations are charged:

Categories1 Month 6 Months

The page head advertiser should send the advertisement picture and desired display duration to the IAEES.

For text advertising, in the form of text, the following fees for different display durations are charged:

Categories1 Month 6 Months 12 Months

The text advertiser should fill the following form and submit it to the IAEES. The latest text advertisement will appear on the first line of text advertisement list.

Once the advertising application has been approved, the advertiser needs to transfer the required fee to IAEES account. Once IAEES has confirmed the fee, the advertisement will immediately appear on web page.

The advertiser can consult the IAEES for advertising prices and details at any time.

Name, address, email, telephone, and fax of the advertiser:

Advertisement title:
Desired display duration of the advertisement: month(s)

Detailed description of the advertisement:

International Academy of Ecology and Environmental Sciences. E-mail: office@iaees.org
Copyright © 2009-2024 International Academy of Ecology and Environmental Sciences. All rights reserved.
Web administrator: office@iaees.org, website@iaees.org; Last modified: 2024/7/27

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