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Network Biology

Network biology is a science that deals with the structure, function, regulation (control), design, and application, etc., of various biological networks. It is an interdisciplinary science based on life sciences (biology, ecology, medicine, etc.), mathematics and computational science (graph theory, network science, differential equations, computation methods, programming, etc.), systems science (complexity theory, selforganizology, etc.), and statistics, etc (Click HERE to find more details). The NETWORK BIOLOGY (ISSN 2220-8879; CODEN NBEICS) is an open access (BOAI definition), open peer reviewed online journal (users are free to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of the articles) that considers scientific articles in all different areas of network biology. It is the transactions of the International Society of Network Biology. It dedicates to the latest advances in network biology (Zhang WJ. Fundamentals of Network Biology. World Scientific Europe, London, 2018). The goal of this journal is to keep a record of the state-of-the-art research and promote the research work in these fast moving areas. The topics to be covered by Network Biology include, but are not limited to:
We are also interested in short communications that clearly address a specific issue or completely present a new ecological network, food web, or metabolic or gene network, etc.

Authors can submit their works to the email box of this journal, All manuscripts submitted to this journal must be previously unpublished and may not be considered for publication elsewhere at any time during review period of this journal. Authors are asked to read and accept Author Guidelines and Publication Ethics & Malpractice Statement before submitting manuscripts.

In addition to free submissions from authors around the world, special issues are also accepted. The organizer of a special issue can collect submissions (yielded from a research project, a research group, etc.) on a specific research topic, or submissions of a scientific conference for publication of special issue.

Web of Science: Master Journal List
Scopus SNIP 2020: 0.662

Indexed/Abstracted in:
Academia, Academic OneFile, Advanced Science Index, ERA Submission Journal List, Bacteriology Abstracts (Microbiology B), British Library, Cambridge Scientific Abstracts, CaRLO, China National Knowledge Infrastructure (CNKI) , Chemical Abstracts/Chemical Abstracts Services/SciFinder, Clarivate Master Journal List, COPAC, Cornell University Library, CSIRO Information Resources, DOAJ, EBSCO, Ecology Abstracts, Environment Abstracts, Google, Google Impact Factor (IF) / Academic Accelerator, Google Scholar, Gale, GREENR, GSI, Immunology Abstracts, Imperial College London, Ingenta, JourLib, Index Copernicus/Journals Master List, KIWI, Library of Congress, LIBRIS, National Library of Israel, National Library of Wales, Natural History Museum UK (NHM), NLM/NCBI, OAJI, OAlib, OCLC/WorldCat, Oncogenes and Growth Factors Abstracts, Open Science Directory, openURL, Parliament of Australia, ProQuest, PUBDB, ROAD/ISSN International Centre, Science Index, SearchWorks, SFX, SHERPA/RoMEO, SOCOLAR, Stanford University Libraries, Sustainability Science Abstracts, UK Library Hub Discover, University College London, University of California, U.S. Air Force Academy, U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service Conservation Library, U.S. Jet Propulsion Laboratory Library and Archives, UlrichsWeb, Clarivate (ISI) Web of Science/Master Journal List, Weizmann, Wikidata, WZB, Zoological Record, etc.

Network Biology (ISSN 2220-8879)
Editorial Office:

Publisher: International Academy of Ecology and Environmental Sciences

International Academy of Ecology and Environmental Sciences. E-mail:
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