
Network Pharmacology, 2016, 1(4): 95-103
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Comparative study of risk administration in centralized and distributed software development atmosphere

Riaz Shah, F. Bahadur, Sheraz Ahmed, Faiza Kanwal
Department of Information Technology, Hazara University, Mansehra, Pakistan

Received 8 August 2016;Accepted 15 September 2016;Published 1 December 2016

Risk administration is used to increase the possibility of success of any future project by exploring its reservations. It will meet all the remedies to make the software development project successful by keeping in view all the future problems that may occur during the project process. It includes the identification of risk and their assessment in the project course and tries to make improvement to make project constructive. Risk administration goals are to overcome project task risks those are identified before starting of the project and during the implementation. This paper describes the phases in the risk administration process and provided methods to analysis and safety of administration. The paper focuses on a study risk administration in centralized and distributed software development projects. This study recognizes valuable, constant and free communication as the basics for victorious risk administration. Therefore, it registers all incoming information memorize much in the same pattern as the "black box" device during an aircraft flight. The description and evaluation tools are also included, may be used during the risk administration study in the software development atmosphere.

Keywords risk administration;software development;centralized and distributed atmosphere;risk administration;software risk;risk model.

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