
ISCE Membership Application

Qualified ecologists, environmental scientists, computational scientists and university students in the world can apply for the membership in the ISCE. The membership application will be assessed by the membership committee. It should be noted that fellowship is the highest honor of ISCE, which is substantially different from membership. They are nominated and recommended by scientists around the world.

Membership may be cancelled if he/she has seriously violated the scientific rules. However, we will carefully make an indepth investigation before the decision is made.

A fee will be charged for the lifetime membership application of the ISCE. The fee is completely used to subsidize the ISCE publications and routine activities. Membership applicant should firstly finish/submit the following application form and submit the same application by ISCE email (isce@iaees.org) for assessment. Once the application is initially approved, an email from ISCE office: isce@iaees.org, with such subject as "ISCE Membership Application In Process" will be sent to the applicant, and the applicant should pay the following amount of fee to IAEES account (Account information can be found at: http://www.iaees.org/contactus.asp) in a month. ISCE membership will become effective and a membership ID will be sent to the member immediately after IAEES has received the fee.

Developed Countries Developing Countries Least Developed Countries

The ISCE offers its members a host of benefits:
  1. Members are authorized to choose the IAEES (International Academy of Ecology and Environmental Sciences) as his(her) affiliation in any of his(her) articles, books and reports (for both IAEES publications and non-IAEES publications).
  2. In the name of the ISCE, members can do the legal and non-profit works that relate to computational ecology and quatitative environmental sciences.
  3. Members can sponsor and organize the ISCE conferences.
  4. Members are given discounts if they publish articles on the publications of the ISCE.
The applicant of the ISCE membership is assumed to accept the following terms and conditions:
  1. The member of the ISCE behaves legally and does not infringe the local law when he(she) acts as a member of the ISCE.
  2. The member of the ISCE has the duty to review the articles in publications hosted by the ISCE.

Please fill and submit the following application form, and send the same application to the ISCE office by isce@iaees.org.

Detailed address:

Degree, job title, and academic career (less than 500 words):

International Academy of Ecology and Environmental Sciences. E-mail: office@iaees.org
Copyright © 2009-2024 International Academy of Ecology and Environmental Sciences. All rights reserved.
Web administrator: office@iaees.org, website@iaees.org; Last modified: 2024/7/27

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